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An ode to Statamic's image functionality

A picture is worth a thousand words, or so they say.

It also helps on the web if your images are performant and easy to use in your CMS of choice.

Coming from my background of using WordPress for 15 years, and cobbling together several plugins and scripts to “wrangle” the media library into shape, Statamic just amazes me how much is built in from the start.

Statamic’s image handling prowess is almost magical.

Core Statamic features to love:

  • Great media library with built in folders

  • Dynamic media folders based on what content your images are linked to

  • Focal point so you can specify the point of the image that should stay in view. This is easily edited by the content manager rather than relying on the developer to know what they are doing.

  • Easy media renaming

  • Easy media replacing

  • On the fly image generation using {{ glide }}. No more creating half dozen image sizes you might or might not need. Just create what you need, cache it, then generate it again if needs change

Extra juiciness from the amazing Peak Starter kit

  • Easy responsive Srcset creation using the image partial {{ partial src="statamic-peak-tools::components/picture" }}

  • Built in controls for things like cropping, aspect ratios and more

  • Automatic conversion of your uploaded images to modern image formats (webp)

That’s at least 5-6 plugins/scripts worth of image functionality in WordPress that’s just “taken care of”. I knew that I had frustrations with the WordPress setup. However, it wasn’t until I really used Statamic for a real site that I started to truely appreciate a truely modern image workflow.

Want to see some of it in action?

A few very helpful videos will give you a good idea of some of the functionality. These are from the great “WordPress to Statamic” channel by Michael LaRoy on Youtube

Using images in general
Setting focal points on images - something WordPress can't do
Replacing media files easily

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